
Course Timetables

Course dates & times

As we run weekly live webinars our courses have specific start and end dates. If you are unable to attend a webinar, don’t worry, all our webinars are recorded. On booking a course please schedule your exam date to correspond with the course end date.

CourseStart DateEnd DateWebinar day/time
R01 live course23/01/202324/04/2023Mondays at 9:30am
R02 live course24/01/202318/04/2023Tuesdays at 9:30am
R03 live course25/01/202319/04/2023Wednesdays at 9:30am
R04 live course26/01/202320/04/2023Thursdays at 9:30am
R01 live course12/09/202205/12/2022Mondays at 9:30am
R02 live course13/09/202206/12/2022Tuesdays at 9:30am
R03 live course14/09/202207/12/2022Wednesdays at 9:30am
R04 live course15/09/202208/12/2022Thursdays at 9:30am

Online CII Level 4 Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning

Download the latest information regarding starting your career in financial services and talk to one of our team to understand the best path for you.
